Why the Tories will soon be Remainers

Are young conservatives pining for Brussels?

Public Haryana News

Britain’s youth overwhelmingly back rejoining

the EU – but will Labour listen?

ITV’s Youth Tracker found 86% of

18-25-year-olds in favour

Sorry Suella, but the tofu-eating Guardian-reading young wokerati have struck again,

and this time their aim is pointed at Brexit.

Last night’s Peston on ITV revealed a poll showing 86% of people aged

18-25 would vote to rejoin the EU if another referendum on membership was held

A mere 14% responded that

they would opt to remain outside the bloc.

The poll was part of ITV’s inaugural Youth Tracker,

using a sample size of 1023.

The show also released a poll displaying voting intention for those in

the age group, and a huge 60% of those who answered that they would vote Labour

15% responded that they would vote for

the Conservatives and 9% for the Liberal Democrats