Gordon Lightfoot said song he was most proud of is

'The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald'

Clcik Hera

Legendary Canadian folk singer Gordonof 84,

Lightfoot died Monday at the age

Public Haryana News

and we're looking back at one of his

most popular hits,

Opne The Link

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald

The song was released in August 1976,

पब्लिक हरियाणा न्यूज

less than a year after the

freighter sank in Lake Superior in November 1975

पब्लिक हरियाणा न्यूज

It rose to the top of

the Canadian charts and reached No.

पब्लिक हरियाणा न्यूज

2 on the US Billboard Hot 100.

In a 2010 interview with Connect Savannah,

पब्लिक हरियाणा न्यूज

Lightfoot "

The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald"

यहा लिंक पर क्लिक करे